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After the exams, the reckoning!

With this year’s distance learning courses at an end, our team of examiners is currently busy marking more than 570 scripts from candidates around the world.

Most of the 230 scripts from the UK arrived in good time – although a few stragglers were still arriving 10 days after one centre’s last examination. And while some of the overseas scripts arrived promptly, the impact of the pandemic on available flights and courier services meant many took more than a fortnight to get to the UK.

The pass lists should be posted on our website on or shortly before July 1. Meanwhile, we have been producing the 2021-22 Course Guide and enrolment forms, which will be placed on the website this week.

Enrolments are requested by August 21, in order to allow students to be included in our main despatch in the first week of September. Other ongoing work includes the production of two new textbook editions and, of course, the workbooks for the coming session.

Another exciting development is the construction of the new Virtual Mill, which continues on schedule. Some individuals who assisted in the first Mill will be involved during June; then, in the first half of July, more than 20 mentors will be meeting in the new Mill, over three sessions, to advise on the priorities for further development.

In September, at the start of the 2021-22 course session, one or more sessions will be organised for all mentors to familiarise themselves with the new Mill.


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