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As members may already be aware, the Research & Development Committee has been wound down, to be replaced by the Horizon Scanning Group.

This new group will cover the main responsibilities of the Committee, but with a wider remit and membership. It will produce twice-yearly Horizon Scans, highlighting research and policy developments of interest to members, as well asking where our sector ought to influence research, for example by lobbying for research bids.

We intend that the Group will be interactive – so while the secretariat will ultimately develop the Horizon Scans, they will also be informed by members own monitoring.

The first version of the Horizon Scan Report was issued to members on September 10, covering food safety, wheat breeding and agronomy, diet and nutrition, and environment and sustainability.

The accompanying email set out that the first meeting of the Horizon Scanning Group will be held in November. Members are encouraged to join this first meeting of the group to see if it will be of interest. There is no obligation to sign-up to the group after attending the first meeting.

For more details please contact


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