What the association does
The Virtual Mill
Our second Virtual Mill was completed in time for the start of the 2021-22 course session. Constructed using gaming technology, the new mill has improved design, better graphics, and more scope for interaction. It provides the hub for all our training resources, including textbooks, e-learning, video, and exercises.
All students enrolled in the distance learning programme (and their mentors) should register for access to the Virtual Mill via the Flour Milling Training website. If you haven’t already signed up to use the site, please go to https://www.flourmillingtraining.com. Select the Log In option, followed by the Sign Up option. Once approved, you will be able to visit the Virtual Mill page for the set up instructions and a basic user guide.
During the course year, our tutors invite their students to attend virtual tutorials, helping students increase their knowledge and prepare for their examinations in May. However, students and mentors will be free to enter the Virtual Mill as they please, using this resource at times to suit them, to further their understanding of milling.
The UK Flour Millers’ Virtual Mill could have been designed specifically for the pandemic-driven era of social distancing and remote working. In fact, the initial stages of the high-tech CGI system first appeared in 2017, providing a unique online training aid for the next generation of millers – wherever they live in the world.
The 3D Virtual Mill contains an entire mill site, including wheat intake, laboratory, screenroom and mill building, packing line and warehouse, as well as training rooms dedicated to purifier, plansifter and roller mill, enabling students to see inside the closed milling process.
Whilst the primary objective has been to provide a new training environment for millers, providing a medium where they can see inside the closed milling process, there is also potential for other uses and for individual companies to build their own 'project rooms' within the virtual mill. If you would like to take advantage of this technology in your business, please contact: training@ukflourmillers.org