The results of the 2021/22 accident survey were discussed in detail at the June meeting of the Health & Safety Committee.
One of the conclusions of the report is that the accident rate for the milling industry has largely plateaued since 2012, although the number of major injuries has thankfully been in decline since 2010.
The data shows it is the same type of accidents occurring year after year, with ‘slips and trips’, ‘manual handling’, ‘hit something stationary’, and ‘struck by moving objects’ continuing to account for the majority of accidents.
Although the rate of accidents is not getting worse, and the number of major injuries is in decline, the H&S Committee is always looking for improvement and is considering whether an industry-wide campaign can be launched to try and hone in on some of these problem areas and see in reduction in the number of those accidents.
Copies of the general report will be circulated to members this week. As last year, individual member companies will also receive confidential benchmarking reports, that compare their site performances against the average of other sites. This will be sent out later in July.