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Review of the Bread and Flour Regulations

Defra consulted on some technical aspects of the Bread & Flour Regulations between 1st September and 23rd November 2022 and the outcome was expected to be published around mid-February.

However, we were informed that due to the numerous responses to the consultation (369, to be precise) Defra needed more time and that they were expecting to publish the summary of responses and government response “later this summer”.

UKFM secretariat is regularly in touch with Defra to provide additional information where needed. Once their response finalised, Defra will be required to notify the World Tarde Organization (WTO) providing 60 days for members to comment on the changes.

The UK Government also has a legal requirement to notify the EU Commission of any new mandatory fortification measure applicable to Northern Ireland; with regards to the proposal to add folic acid to flour this will be required six months before adoption.

The two above-mentioned notifications can be made at the same time.

In the meantime UKFM continues to carry out technical work on the fortificants and the natural presence of nutrients in wheat and flour.


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